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Behavior and Discipline Expectations



Burchfield Primary School uses the PeaceBuilders Program. This program promotes a positive climate where students can concentrate on learning and helps students to understand and to use peaceful interactions with peers and adults. Each teacher devotes time each week to teach the strategies necessary for students to become “peace builders”. In order to be peace builders we pledge daily to:
  • Praise people  
  • To give up put-downs
  • To seek wise people
  • To notice and speak up about hurts I have caused
  • To right wrongs
    We encourage you to ask your child about what he/she is learning regarding becoming a peace builder and to visit the school office if you would like more information concerning it. Our goal is for the concepts within the program to reach beyond our school and into the community.
    Discipline Policy

    Discipline Policy

    Our school has a school-wide discipline policy which is based on state and district policies. A copy of the entire policy is located at the back of this handbook.  These rules apply equally to all students.  All staff members are responsible for monitoring the behavior all students on campus. We are required to publish a comprehensive list of school rules for parent and student information. These rules and consequences are aligned with all other schools in the district. Our Site Council spent a considerable amount of time on the consequences making them appropriate for Burchfield students. Please take time to become familiar with them.
    School-Wide Discipline Cycle

    School-Wide Discipline Cycle

    The following discipline cycle will be followed at Burchfield Primary School:
    1.         Teacher/Staff Action
                a. Teachers have classroom rules and consequences posted.
                b. Each classroom has a system of consequences. The last
                 step in this cycle is referral to the principal.
    2.         Administrative Action
                a. In-school suspension (ISS) will be assigned for repeated
                    offenses or for a first offense which causes a major
                    disruption. The student will be assigned to spend the day
                    out of the regular classroom doing school work. The
                   student will not be allowed to have recesses with the other
                   students. If the student does not obey the ISS rules, he/she
                   may be assigned  additional days of ISS or out-of –school
                   suspension. ISS may be held at the CAHS campus at the
                   determination of the administrator.
    Out-of-School Suspensions

    Out-of-School Suspensions

    Out-of-school suspension (OSS) may be assigned when a student has committed serious infractions of the California Education Code or for repeated offenses. A listing of parents’ legal rights and responsibilities is available at the school office or the district office. These are also sent home to parents at the beginning of the school year. When a student has been suspended from school, the student must remain away from Burchfield Primary School and all school activities for the duration of the suspension. For a listing of the specific laws pertaining to suspension or expulsion, please contact the school principal.


    Expulsion may be recommended for a serious violation or for repeated incidents of any suspendable offense. Additionally, an expulsion hearing may be held and law enforcement may be notified for any student involved in arson, batter (bodily injury), use or sale of a controlled substance, robbery/extortion or possession or use of any weapon. Weapons are defined as firearms, knives, explosives, flammable materials or any other items that may cause bodily injury or death.
    Principals may recommend expelling a student, but the School Board makes the decision to expel. During an expulsion, which may last an entire school year, a student may not attend school or any school functions or be on campus during any time when students are present.
    General School Rules

    General School Rules

  • Use self control on the way to and from school, on the playground, in lines, in the classroom and at all school activities.
  • Show respect and courtesy to adults and other students.
  • Respect each individual’s right to learn and work.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Wear hats only outside of buildings.
  • Walk on the sidewalks and in buildings.
  • Playground Rules

    Playground Rules

  • Use self-control – keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Play safely and be a good sport.
  • Line up immediately after freeze bell rings.
  • No fighting
  • No throwing rocks, sand, wood chips or dirt.
  • No bad language
  • No spitting
  • Do not jump off boxed areas around trees or high equipment.
  • Play tag on field areas only.
  • Play within designated areas.
  • Follow playground equipment rules.
  • No running on playground unless involved in an appropriate game.
  • No toys from home.